Monday, July 13, 2009

Sweet Days with Nicole and Chris

When I was a child I used to count down the days until Christmas. It was so exciting when the number of days would get into single digits and finally 3 days, 2 days, 1's here! Well, we have a countdown in our home again, and it is in the single digits...3 days, 2 days...and I work to feel and know the excitement of it.
Today is Monday. Nicole and Chris leave Wednesday for their next Life adventure in India. We are totally privileged to have them staying at our home for these last days...sweet days. I have prayed that God would allow these days not to be tainted with the bitter-sweet of their departure and He has been so faithful. Friday night was a long night as we finished moving from their house. It is amazing how quickly a home can become simply a house once the purpose and the love and the personality have left it. Saturday we came together at the end of the day and enjoyed talk, ice cream, rest and a movie. Sunday we worshiped Jesus together and Nicole and I got to sing together. After church we shared a wonderful birthday brunch where Nicole and Chris gave me a Creative Memories Book of Brad and my 25th anniversary trip to Cozumel, Mexico. It was a true labor of love during a busy transition time in their life and it holds much more than just pictures for my heart.
So, now we are down to 2....1....Go! I want to cherish and save every breath, every word, every hug, every smile, every laugh, every song. This morning, during my quiet time with Jesus, I thanked Him for the gift of family and for the gift of the ability to appreciate it. So, today I will live in appreciation for our day together and for the renewed awareness that days together are limited. They always are, you know...I just have a heightened awareness of it at the moment. So, my prayer for you is that today you will live in appreciation for your day together with whomever the Lord has given you and for a renewed awareness that your days together are limited. May we all live with the God-given passion to have sweet days with the people we love.


  1. Mom, I so wish that I could be have been there with you this week as you went through all of this. I love how well you are able to put things into words though so that it really feels like I know exactly how you were feeling. I love you so much! MUAH!

  2. Yes - you put this into words that describe exactly what I often feel with the kids and especially when they are leaving and going to be far away.

    It's so hard to have them leave but I know it will be an awesome experience for them. And everything will work for the best!!! Blessings to you, Yvonne

  3. Mommy...where are all your posts from the last 9 months?!?! When I MOVE IN WITH YOU, we can blog together. :) We'll probably blog about the same things though, since we'll have be living life together so much! WAHOO! I LOVE YOU!
